Judie Tzuke, Beverley Craven and Julia Fordham start second leg of tour in Buxton

Julia Fordham, Beverley Craven and Judie Tzuke launch Woman to Woman tour in Buxton. Photo by Neil MacKenzie Matthews.Julia Fordham, Beverley Craven and Judie Tzuke launch Woman to Woman tour in Buxton. Photo by Neil MacKenzie Matthews.
Julia Fordham, Beverley Craven and Judie Tzuke launch Woman to Woman tour in Buxton. Photo by Neil MacKenzie Matthews.
Judie Tzuke, Beverley Craven and Julia Fordham launch the second leg of their Woman to Woman tour in Buxton.

The trio, which debuted on Graham Norton’s BBC Radio 2 show with the stunning single, Safe, last year, will be performing at the town’s Opera House on June 2, 2019.

This will be a rare chance to see all three artistes performing their classic hits and album tracks together alongside their band and string section.

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The audience will hear much loved songs including the worldwide smash hit Promise Me, Happy Ever After, Welcome To The Cruise, Holding On, (Love Moves In) Mysterious Ways, and Stay With Me Till Dawn. There will also be selections from their forthcoming album.

Speaking of last year’s tour Judie said: “It was such a brilliant experience.

“To perform with my new friends and be in a girl band was a lot of more fun than I could have imagined.

“There was something magical between us when we walked on stage which seemed to happen at every show.”

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Julia added: “I absolutely loved having Beverley and Judie singing on my songs.

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“Hearing their heavenly voices on Porcelain was a nightly highlight.

“I think that the three of us really fit together well in styles of performance.

“Bev is so witty and has the audience in stitches with her between song patter and Judie looks so lovely standing at the mic effortlessly singing her beautiful songs.”

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Meanwhile, looking ahead to the much anticipated second leg, Beverley said: “It will be pretty much the same show, with the odd tweak and a couple of new songs from the Woman to Woman album.

“I would love to have the artistic freedom to perform a completely different set and play more obscure songs, but our agent feels very strongly that not playing the songs we are known for would be a mistake.”

Tickets range from £29.50 to £82 (VIP). Call 01298 72190 or book online click here https://www.buxtonoperahouse.org.uk