Most people support England’s roadmap out of lockdown

Most people support England’s roadmap out of lockdown (Photo by Jack Hill - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
Most people support England’s roadmap out of lockdown (Photo by Jack Hill - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
Most people support England’s roadmap out of lockdown (Photo by Jack Hill - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Most people in England are satisfied with the plan to gradually ease Covid restrictions in five week long steps, starting with a return to schools on 8 March, according to polling by YouGov.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson laid out the UK’s four step roadmap out of lockdown yesterday (22 Feb) after much anticipation. The plan aims to culminate in a full reopening of society by 22 June, if things go to plan.

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While the Government has laid out a rough timetable for the easing of restrictions, the dates are not set in stone. They depend on a continued downward trend in Covid case numbers.

If infections and deaths continue to fall as it is hoped, then the final restrictions will be lifted by 21 June, marking a return to normality by the summer.

Return to schools

Polling shows that most people believe the Government has got the pace of the plan right, with 46 per cent of the general population saying the balance is “about right”. However, 26 per cent say it is too quick, and 16 per cent say too slow.

Step one of the roadmap - the return of all children to schools in England on 8 March - has broad majority support, with 63 per cent of the population in agreement, plus a majority of both Conservative and Labour voters.

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29 March

Once children have returned to schools, the next part of the reopening schedule will see people in England allowed to meet with other households outdoors from 29 March.

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The rule will mean that two households or groups of up to six people will be able to meet in public outdoor places.

On the same date, outdoor organised sports will be able to resume, including tennis, football and golf.

This aspect of the roadmap enjoys the highest level of public support, at more than three quarters of those polled.

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While 78 per cent of the general population support the plan to allow outdoor socialising and sports to resume on 29 March, this rises to 85 per cent among Conservative voters, while 74 per cent of Labour voters agree.

The YouGov data is based on a snap poll conducted yesterday, which involved 3,923 adults in England.