Pupils from nine schools in Oliver! at Matlock Bath

Children rehearsing for Oliver!, presented by Matlock Musical Theatre.Children rehearsing for Oliver!, presented by Matlock Musical Theatre.
Children rehearsing for Oliver!, presented by Matlock Musical Theatre.
Excitement is building amongst the children chosen to perform in Matlock Musical Theatre's latest production of Oliver! a

The show is on at the Grand Pavilion, Matlock Bath from June 15 to 17 and forms part of the Little Bit Scruffy Festival.

Children from Castle View Primary School, Darley Dale Primary School, Highfields School, Lady Manners School, Clifton C of E Primary School, St Giles C of E

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Primary School, All Saints C of E Junior School, Winster Primary School and Parkside Community Junior School will be performing as workhouse boys and Fagin’s gang.

Two teams will play Oliver and the Artful Dodgers - Sam Costabile and Sam Ridding; and Maggie Welsh and Charlotte Diggle. Charlie is also the daughter of the musical’s director this year, Tim Diggle.

Completing the creative team are Cassie Barrett, who played Rapunzel in Into the Woods last year, as choreographer and Layla Allen who is musical director.

The story of Oliver Twist will be familiar to a lot of people, though the musical setting of it is not as dark as the novel and contains so many wonderful songs that will be well-known to many, such as Food, Glorious Food, Where Is Love?, Consider Yourself, Pick a Pocket or Two, Oom-pah- pah, As Long As He Needs Me and many more.

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The society has performed Oliver! twice before – in 1992 and 2003 and a few of its performers this time were in one or both of those productions.

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There are four performances – Thursday to Saturday at 7.30pm and a Saturday matinee at 2pm.

Tickets are priced £12 and £10 and are available from ticketsource.co.uk/matlockmusicaltheatre or by phoning 01629 312486.

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