Review: Snow White is a crowd-pleaser

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at New Mills Arts TheatreSnow White and the Seven Dwarfs at New Mills Arts Theatre
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at New Mills Arts Theatre
I really enjoyed the opening night of the pantomime Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in New Mills Art Theatre even more than in previous years.

The script was good, the direction and staging were excellent, there was humour for adults and children and the whole audience was up there joining in.

The curtain rose to find Fairy Fortune, played by Angela Hulme, giving the background to the story, an unusual role for Angela who carried it off extremely well and sang beautifully.

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We then met Queen Avarice, played by Debbie Howe, a baddie who had the audience booing from the start. I will have to give Debbie the performance of the evening, she was great in the part!

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at New Mills Arts TheatreSnow White and the Seven Dwarfs at New Mills Arts Theatre
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at New Mills Arts Theatre

Snow White, played by Jessica Jordan was perfect casting - warm, pretty and cheeky with a glint in her eye - any Prince would fall in love with her. The surprise of the evening was the principal boy part, usually a female, but played by Andrew Jordan - a brave decision that paid off. As soon as Prince Ferdinand walked on stage he had the female audience swooning, with charm, wit and handsome looks, he played the part to a tee, no wonder Snow White fell for him, not only in the show but in real life too!

No pantomime can survive without a dame and this role was filled by Darren Cooper as Edna Bucket who commanded the stage every time “she” appeared alongside Chuckles played by Sean Stennings – they were a very funny team.

Another role I really liked was Justice Quill played by Hilary Edgerton, her stutter was very realistic, she was ably supported by Scribbles played by Graham Fletcher Shaw.

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Then you had Merlin of the Mirror played by Barry Jarvis - not the easiest of parts sat behind a screen, he carried it off well – I would have liked to have seen more of him.

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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at New Mills Arts TheatreSnow White and the Seven Dwarfs at New Mills Arts Theatre
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at New Mills Arts Theatre

Slurp the plumber played by John Reezer was a good caricature part, his task as we all know was to take Snow White into the woods and dispose of her – thankfully, he failed.

The seven dwarfs played by children were great to watch and some of their lines were very funny.

The chorus and dancers were excellent and filled the stage with lots of life and energy which helped carry the show - one of my favourite parts was the closing of Act 1 with the song The Circle of Life. Natalie Coverley, choreographer and Geoff Lunn, director should be congratulated. Musical numbers chosen were great, in particular Hero was carried off well by the cast under the control of the excellent musical director, Carolyn Hawkins.

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I would have liked to have seen more scenery, but who cares about that when you are enjoying yourself - a great night out!

Snow White continues on February 5 and 6 at 7.15pm with a matinee at 2.15pm.

For full review, see

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