Aggressive driver gets curfew after threatening to hit traffic warden

Parking ticket.Parking ticket.
Parking ticket.
An aggressive driver threatened to hit a parking warden who was just about to give him a ticket for parking on a pavement and double yellow lines.

Mark Anthony Waddoups, 49, had parked his Landrover Discovery facing a store on Market Street, in Buxton, and when he returned he threatened to assault the parking warden if he touched his car with a ticket.

Prosecuting solicitor Becky Allsop told a Chesterfield magistrates’ court hearing on Thursday, May 18: “The parking attendant was walking along Market Street, at Buxton, at lunch time and he saw a Landrover Discovery fully on a pavement facing a store.

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“He checked there was no disabled blue badge permit on the vehicle and loading and unloading was not taking place and he observed the vehicle for ten minutes or so.

“When he didn’t see anyone he approached the vehicle and issued a ticket.”

Mrs Allsop added that when Waddoups appeared he said he was not on the pavement and he told the parking warden if he placed the ticket on his vehicle he would “lay” him out and put him “on the floor”.

The parking warden’s uniform camera captured the incident, according to Mrs Allsop, and footage recorded Waddoups saying, ‘If you put that on my car I will hit you for touching my car’, and he repeatedly said, ‘You touch that car and I will put you on your arse’.

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Waddoups, of Alsop Way, Fairfield, Buxton, admitted to police that he “had seen red” and if he could see the parking warden again he would apologise.

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The defendant pleaded guilty to using threatening behaviour after the incident on February 1.

He told the court: “There is nothing I can say. It was disgusting and I am sorry.”

Magistrates considered a probation report before sentencing Waddoups to a 12 month community order with an eight-week curfew and an 18 day Rehabilitation Activity Requirement.

Waddoups was also ordered to pay £85 costs and an £85 victim surcharge.

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