Are you worried about trick or treaters? Derbyshire Police want to hear from you

Are you worried about trick or treaters? Derbyshire Police want to hear from youAre you worried about trick or treaters? Derbyshire Police want to hear from you
Are you worried about trick or treaters? Derbyshire Police want to hear from you
Officers in Derbyshire's safer neighbourhood teams are giving out posters if you don't want trick or treaters at your home this Halloween.

The police know that Halloween can be a real worry for some people in our communities.

This year, to try and alleviate some of the worries, whilst allowing all the fun of Halloween to continue, police are asking people to get in touch if they are worried about Halloween or perhaps have experienced problems in the past.

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Chief Inspector Malc Bibbings said: “We know that for some in our communities Halloween can be a real worry as quite rightly they are concerned about opening the door to strangers.

Are you worried about trick or treaters? Derbyshire Police want to hear from youAre you worried about trick or treaters? Derbyshire Police want to hear from you
Are you worried about trick or treaters? Derbyshire Police want to hear from you

“We also know that in the past, the time of year has been used as an excuse for some to cause anti-social behaviour.

“Our Safer Neighbourhood teams across the county are currently working on their patrol strategies for the Halloween period so we would ask that if anyone has had any previous concerns, particularly our most vulnerable in society, that they make contact with us so these areas can be included in our patrols.

“We would also ask that parents and carers accompany their children whilst trick or treating and only call on friends, neighbours or relatives that are expecting you.”

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"We have produced some leaflets and posters that offer further advice and can be displayed asking trick or treaters not to call. Copies can be obtained from your local Safer Neighbourhood team.

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To contact your local Safer Neighbourhood team use one of the following non-emergency contact methods:

Facebook – send us a private message to /DerbyshireConstabulary

Twitter – direct message our contact centre on @DerPolContact

Website – complete the online contact form

Phone – call us on 101.