Arsonist gets a suspended jail term after fire

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.
An arsonist has been spared from jail with a suspended prison sentence after he torched two Biffa bins and used threatening behaviour on buses.

Josh Healey, 21, of Arundel Close, Chesterfield, admitted torching two bins at recycling company MSK Specialist Ingredients and also admitted twice using threatening behaviour on buses, according to Chesterfield magistrates’ court.

Prosecuting solicitor Gillian Foxcroft told a recent hearing that there were two incidents on buses in Chesterfield which were disturbing for the bus drivers while they were doing their job.

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She added that Healey had also damaged two bins at the recycling company at Sheepbridge business park, on Sheepbridge Lane, Chesterfield, worth £400 each after he lit them both.

Healey pleaded guilty at court on April 8 to two counts of threatening behaviour committed in Chesterfield on January 20 and 27 and pleaded guilty to committing arson on February 26.

District Judge Andrew Davison adjourned the case to allow the probation service to prepare a report to assess Healey’s risk to the public before sentencing.

Healey was released on conditional bail on the grounds he co-operated with the probation service, did not go to Beetwell Street, Chesterfield, where there is a bus terminus, and did not go on any Stagecoach bus.

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Following consideration of the probation report, magistrates sentenced Healey to a 16 week custodial sentence suspended for 12 months on May 3.

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The court stressed that only a suspended custodial sentence could be justified because of Healey’s substantial record of previous convictions and the fact that the offence of arson could have been very dangerous.

As part of the sentence Healey must comply with a Rehabilitation Activity Requirement within the supervision period of 12 months.

Healey was also ordered to pay £675 compensation.

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