Boozed-up man narrowly escapes custody after drunken outburst

A boozed-up man has been sentenced for being drunk and disorderly in Chesterfield town centre after he called police to say he had been assaulted.

Jason Hardwick, 38, of Annesley Close, Hasland, Chesterfield, became aggressive and abusive after police arrived at Low Pavements and he had to be arrested, according to Chesterfield magistrates’ court.

Prosecuting solicitor Gillian Foxcroft said: “The defendant was given ample opportunity to move on and at times he was speaking rationally but he became uncooperative, aggressive and abusive and after a long time he was arrested for being drunk and disorderly.”

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The court heard on Tuesday, March 29, how Hardwick had initially reported that he had been assaulted but despite going to great lengths by speaking to people and to licensed premises and by examining CCTV, officers failed to make any progress.

Ms Foxcroft added that as police tried to get a statement from Hardwick he became uncooperative and as he tried to get into an ambulance to see one of his friends who had been assaulted the defendant became aggressive and was swearing.

Hardwick pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly after the incident on March 12.

The court also heard how the defendant is currently subject to a 16 week prison sentence suspended for 12 months for shoplifting and he has also received a community order for driving while unfit.

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Defence solicitor Denny Lau said: “He is not someone who goes out drinking and causing trouble. He was assaulted and called police and as far as he was concerned the police weren’t doing anything and he shouted at an officer and said things he should not have.

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“He was trying to show police his friend in the ambulance to get him to show who was responsible before the perpetrator could get away.”

Mr Lau explained that Hardwick does have alcohol problems but he has reduced his daily intake of booze from eight-to-ten cans a day to one can a day and he is seeking help.

Magistrates fined Hardwick £80 and ordered him to pay £85 costs and a £20 victim surcharge.

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They opted not to activate his suspended prison sentence with custody because Hardwick has been making progress with the probation service.

However, they extended the time of the suspended prison sentence from 12 months to 18 months.

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