Buxton heroin addict fined

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A Buxton drug addict has been fined for possessing three bags of heroin.

Mark Wilkinson admitted possessing the class A drug on March 10 in Fairfield at High Peak Magistrates’ Court on Monday.

The 40-year-old was stopped by police at about 3.45pm and three foil wraps of diamorphine were found on his person, worth £15.

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The defendant, of Victoria Park Road, said he had been using heroin for 20 years and usually used ten bags a day.

On the day of the incident, he had bought four bags from his usual dealer and went to another dealer on Lightwood Road for some more. Wilkinson said he had since been to his GP about his addiction.

He was fined £110 and was ordered to pay £85 court costs and a £20 victim surcharge.

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