Campaigners’ ‘mass trespass’ warning over Peak District fracking

Greenpeace campaigners want to keep the Peak District National Park a frack free zone.Greenpeace campaigners want to keep the Peak District National Park a frack free zone.
Greenpeace campaigners want to keep the Peak District National Park a frack free zone.
Greenpeace campaigners say the fight to save the Peak District National Park from fracking could prompt a second ‘mass trespass’.

The environmental activists, based in the High Peak, have called on MP Andrew Bingham to save the park from fracking.

Fifteen campaigners gathered on the edge of the national park last week in protest.

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Controversial plans which could allow fracking for shale gas under National Parks and Sights of Special Scientific Interest were to be discussed by a parliamentary committee earlier.

If enough MPs object then it could result in a vote in the House of Commons a few days later. Local Greenpeace campaigners are now pleading with High Peak MP Andrew Bingham to vote against the plans.

Campaigners oppose fracking because of fears over water and air pollution, the dangers of increased lorry traffic on narrow country roads, the noise and visual impact and because shale gas is a fossil fuel which will contribute to climate change.

Spokesperson Martin Porter said: “It is unbelievable that less than six weeks before the most important conference on climate change ever, not only is the government pressing ahead with plans for a new fossil fuel, but they want to allow drilling under our most beautiful countryside.

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“Fracking under the National Park would mean rigs in Glossop and Chapel-en-le-Frith to get at the shale gas below the moors.

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“Eighty-three years ago my grandfather took part in the Kinder Scout Mass Trespass which led to the creation of the National Park. If anyone tried to frack under the Peak District there could be a second mass trespass to save it.”