Christmas lights, Audi TT and bike stolen from Chinley street

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Thieves stole a Christmas laser light display which had been installed in the front garden of a house in Chinley.

The lights had been placed in the garden of a house in Stubbins Lane and work by projecting a laser display on to the property.

The theft took place overnight between Saturday and Sunday.

It was one of a number of thefts in the same road on the same night.

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An orange Audi TT was taken from the driveway of another house in Stubbins Lane after burglars smashed a window at the property and took the keys.

A Cannondale Synapse bicycle was also stolen after thieves forced open a garage at a third Stubbins Lane property.

Police investigating the series of thefts want to hear from anyone who saw suspicious activity in the area or may have been offered the items for sale.

Anyone with information should call PC Jim Twort on 101, quoting reference 16000398437, or contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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