Police issue warning to residents after series of thefts in Harpur Hill

A series of thefts have taken place in Harpur Hill over the course of a weekA series of thefts have taken place in Harpur Hill over the course of a week
A series of thefts have taken place in Harpur Hill over the course of a week
Police are appealing for information after a series of break-ins and thefts in Harpur Hill.

There have been a number of reports of burglaries, thefts and suspicious activity in the area between Tuesday May 22 and Tuesday May 29.

Sometime overnight between Tuesday, May 22 and Wednesday, May 23 a BMW was stolen from a driveway, and a pair of sunglasses were stolen from a different car, both parked on Harpur Hill Road.

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A set of wheel trims were stolen from a car on Ferneydale Avenue and a hot tub was stolen from a garden on Burlow Road also on the same night.

St James Church on Harpur Hill Road, and Harpur Hill Methodist Church on Burlow Road, were broken into sometime between Sunday, May 27 and Tuesday, May 29. Several brass and silverware articles were taken, including an altar cross, candlesticks, vases, alms plates, chalices, a wafer box and a bowl.

Sergeant Denis Murphy, of the local Safer Neighbourhood policing team said: “We have seen a number of burglaries and thefts in the Harpur Hill area during the past few weeks and we would like to remind people to remain vigilant about acquisitive crime.

“I would urge all homeowners to ensure that their valuable property is kept locked away and secured when not being used and to not leave valuables on display in vehicles.

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“Leaving your doors or windows unlocked or having valuables on display can give criminals the perfect chance to steal your property. In many cases thieves will simply try doors until they find one unlocked so please don’t make it easy for them.”

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Sgt. Murphy added: “A church is not just a place of spiritual significance, but it is also a community hub focal point and so it is upsetting for local residents to see these places targeted by criminals.

“Patrols are being carried out in the area and inquiries are ongoing into all these offences, but I would urge anyone with any information which could help to contact us.”

Anyone who recalls seeing any suspicious behaviour, or has any information that could help, should contact police on 101 or send a message online through the Contact Us page of the website, www.derbyshire.police.uk.

Alternatively, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.