Derbyshire Constabulary gender pay gap stands at 16.1%

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The gender pay gap at Derbyshire Constabulary across all officers and staff is 16.1%, the force has announced today.

The force said this was down to an over-representation of men in higher ranking positions and more men having been employed for longer periods.

The statistics show a five per cent gap in average police officer pay and and 11.6% in police staff - a result of over-representation of women in positions where the salary grade is lower.

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Deputy Chief Constable Gary Knighton, of Derbyshire Constabulary, said: “We are passionate about equality and committed to being as representative as possible of the community we serve.

“Our statistics are broadly similar to the national picture in policing, which – I believe – tells a story of lots of progress made, but lots of work still to do.

“I am confident that we provide equal pay for equal work and determined that the force will never become complacent in that regard.

“That said; we do have a gender pay gap. It is caused largely by the over-representation of men in senior positions and in periods of longer service.

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“While we understand there is no quick fix and it takes time to see the results of work in this area – we are determined to close the gap.

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“We will continue to design fairness into every recruitment and promotion process, both for staff and officer positions, as well as ensuring that we are as flexible an employer as possible for the balance of work and family life.”

The force said it is already hosting a number of initiatives aimed at promoting gender equality.

Hardyal Dhindsa, Police and Crime Commissioner for Derbyshire, said: “In my view it’s very simple. Everyone deserves equal pay for an equal job, be they male, female, from a black or minority ethnic background, have a disability, or have any other difference. Equal means equal – full stop.

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“Obviously we have to be cognisant that comparisons can be misleading. Different ranks, different staff roles, different levels of experience for example will inevitably receive different levels of pay, but in terms of like for like, parity is critical.”

The statistics can be viewed in full here