Drug-and-booze-fuelled man damaged a window and camera at a club

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.
A drug-and-booze-fuelled man cracked a window and damaged a camera at a working man's club after he had been asked to leave.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on Wednesday, February 6, how James Kiveron Dey, 43, of Duke Street, Staveley, had been stumbling and appeared to be under the influence of drink and drugs while he was at Poolsbrook Miners’ Welfare Club.

Becky Allsop, prosecuting, said: “When he went into bar he was stumbling around and there was concern he was under the influence of drink and drugs.

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“He was not happy and was flailing his arms around and he was asked to leave.

“The barman went to check everything was okay and he was asleep outside in the smoking area.”

Mrs Allsop added that Dey got to his feet and started banging on a window and he picked up a stool and banged the window causing it to crack and a buzzer facility was ripped off the wall.

Dey told police he had been smoking cannabis and on his way to a friend’s he had picked up a bottle of whiskey which he began drinking.

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He recalled falling off a stool at the club and having a tantrum because he was asked to leave and he recalls picking up the stool and hitting a camera and a window.

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Dey added that he did not know why he did it but he said he was remorseful about his behaviour.

The defendant pleaded guilty to damaging a window and camera at the club, on Cottage Close, after the incident on February 6.

Defence solicitor Kirsty Sargent said Dey had been upset because his mum is not well and his daughter has been struggling with personal issues.

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She added: “He accepts he was clearly drunk and the club was right to refuse him a drink and he accepts falling off the stool and damaging the property.

“He has been back to the club and he has been embarrassed by what happened and he’s apologised and they have accepted his apology and he’s been welcomed back.”

Magistrates fined Dey £80 and ordered him to pay a £30 victim surcharge, £150 compensation and £85 costs.

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