Outbreak of tree disease sparks felling project in Peak District

Tree felling will begin soon in Goyt Valley in the Peak District.Tree felling will begin soon in Goyt Valley in the Peak District.
Tree felling will begin soon in Goyt Valley in the Peak District.
A large area of trees in the Peak District will soon be felled in response to the outbreak of a tree disease.

Cutting down the trees in Goyt Valley is important to help prevent the disease spreading and killing other trees and plants.

Phytophthora Ramorum is a non-native, fungus-like organism first discovered in the UK in 2002. It causes disease on trees, shrubs and plants in woodland, heathland and gardens.

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Infection happens when spores are dispersed in moisture, including moist air currents so it’s essential that affected trees are removed to prevent more spores being produced.

The felling has to happen legally as the area has been served with a Statutory Plant Health Notice.

Larch trees are known as the worst transmitter of the disease but sweet chestnut and rhododendron are also included in the plant health notice and will also be removed.

The areas affected will be re-planted with tree species that are resilient to the disease to help keep a healthy forest in Goyt Valley for generations to come.

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Local forester for Forestry England, Adam Stirling, said: “We have been served a notice on Goyt Valley, so we must remove every larch tree along with some sweet chestnut and rhododendron from the plantation.

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"We have started felling work and we are working closely with our contractors to fix the ground as much as possible and allow the public to safely access the affected areas once again.

"Hopefully, our quick action means that we will prevent the further spread of P Rramorum to other woodlands and reduce the overall impact on the local countryside.

“For a while areas of the site will look different, but it will soon green up again."

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Timber from the felled trees will be used where possible for construction, fencing materials, pallet wood and biomass.

The work will begin in the next few weeks and is a medium- to long-term project. During this time areas of car parking may be temporarily closed and rights of way restricted to keep the public safe.

Adam added: "Our thanks go to visitors to Goyt Valley in advance for their understanding and urge them to follow safety notices and diversions. Forestry work can be dangerous.”