FEATURE: It's okay not to have a Merry Christmas say Samaritans

STOCK Man on phoneSTOCK Man on phone
STOCK Man on phone
While people are putting up Christmas trees and full of festive cheer others are left feeling depressed and anxious.

While many people are putting up Christmas trees and full of festive cheer, there are others are left feeling depressed and anxious.

The Samaritans charity has launched a new campaign to tie in with the run-up to Christmas, as it says more than half the people across the High Peak will be putting on a brave face and not showing their true feelings.

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Samaritans chief executive Ruth Sutherland said: “Difficult feelings don’t discriminate. They don’t care if it’s December or June. We know that one in five adults have felt suicidal – it’s not that uncommon and can happen to absolutely anyone.”

Generic pic of somebody in dispair or worried - pic posed by modelGeneric pic of somebody in dispair or worried - pic posed by model
Generic pic of somebody in dispair or worried - pic posed by model

On average, more than 500 people take their own lives in the UK, so states a report by Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey: Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, in 2014.

Ms Sutherland said: “Every death from suicide is a devastating tragedy.

“So, away from the idyllic images and all the hype around the season’s celebrations, let’s get real about how we can save lives, not just at Christmas but all-year round.”

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The suicide prevention charity is urging people to stop striving for a perfect Christmas this year and have what it’s calling a #RealChristmas instead, because that could save lives.

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Generic pic of somebody in dispair or worried - pic posed by modelGeneric pic of somebody in dispair or worried - pic posed by model
Generic pic of somebody in dispair or worried - pic posed by model

Health, family, work, relationships and money issues, or feelings of loneliness, isolation or uncertainty, could be making life really tough for residents, their neighbours and work colleagues, so the charity wants people in Buxton and the High Peak to be there for each other, provide a shoulder to lean on and be ready to listen.

To help people, Samaritans has produced a set of vouchers that can be given as Christmas presents on their own, or along with staples like chocolates, bubble bath, cuff links or socks. Each voucher can be personalised and entitles the person receiving it to some one-to-one listening time from the giver. It could be over a coffee, while going for a walk or as part of a night in with a friend watching a box set.

A volunteer’s view

Keith King has been a Samaritans volunteer for eight years and will be on the phones over Christmas.

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He said: “Samaritans isn’t 
saying don’t have a good Christmas this year, but try to put aside the demands of the season and focus on the support you may need or can give. If you can, spend time listening to somebody who needs it. And if you’re the one who’s struggling or feeling overwhelmed, remember you can always 
speak to someone by calling Samaritans on 116 123. If talking on the phone is tricky, you can email, text or write to Samaritans too. Find out more on our website at samaritans.org. We are always there. Even 
at Christmas.”

l Whatever you are going through, call the Samaritans free any time from any phone on 116 123 (this number is free to call and will not appear on your phone bill), email [email protected], or visit www.samaritans.org.

Facts and figures

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• There were 6,581 suicides in the UK and Republic of Ireland, in 2014.

• The highest suicide rate in the UK in 2014 was for men aged 45-49 at 26.5 per 100,000.

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•Samaritans responds to more than 5.4 million calls for help every year.

• There are more than 20,000 volunteers, promoting and running phone, email, text and letter services and keeping offices open, including the Buxton and the High Peak branch on Hardwick Street.

• It costs £4.26 to answer a phone call and help save a life - this includes costs for recruiting and training.

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• There are around 65 volunteers in Buxton and every year they help almost 8,000 people

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To volunteer call 01298 213 322 or email [email protected].

• The next volunteer information event is 1pm on Saturday January 7 at the Hardwick Street branch in Buxton, ahead of training beginning mid-January.

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