LETTER: Lack of facilities at Pavilion Gardens

The Pavilion Gardens buildings are shut from Christmas Eve until February.The Pavilion Gardens buildings are shut from Christmas Eve until February.
The Pavilion Gardens buildings are shut from Christmas Eve until February.
With the team of people working with '˜Discover Buxton' trying hard to promote the town, I, and many people I have spoken to, cannot understand why High Peak Borough Council closed all the facilities in the Pavilion Gardens before the pantomime was over.

On Thursday, December 29, my granddaughter and four-year-old son travelled from Stockport to meet me as we had tickets for the pantomime matinee performance.

Even the toilets in the car park were closed, although reading the notice giving the closure dates it should have been open.

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There were many families walking through the gardens trying to find toilets and somewhere for a meal or snack that was handy to the Opera House. Surely it would make sense to keep everything open until the pantomime season and school holidays are over as I should imagine the revenue lost would be quite substantial.

No one would be taking their own picnic in the winter.

When the excellent pantomime was nearing the end, and the usual birthday announcements and greetings made, there appeared to be many people who had travelled quite long distances to get to Buxton and even visitors from abroad. I wonder what impression of Buxton they got when they parked in the garden’s car park.

I would suggest that the people in charge get up from their desks occasionally to walk through the gardens and town and talk to visitors and see what they make of the lack of facilities.

Audrey Morton
