Man accused of town centre crutch attacks appears in court

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.
A man has appeared at court accused of attacking four people with a crutch in Chesterfield town centre.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard today, Wednesday, October 5, how Paul Walker, 27, of Broom Avenue, Pilsley, Chesterfield, allegedly carried out the attacks on Michael Spicer, Patrick Archbold, Scott Clarke and Gavin Woolley.

Prosecuting solicitor Becky Allsop said: “The allegation is that he armed himself with a crutch and struck a number of males within minutes of each other and there is a clear link between the offences and it’s right to send this matter to crown court.”

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The alleged incident occurred during an alleged altercation between Knifesmith Gate and Beetwell Street on Monday, October 3, between Mr Walker and the complainants Mr Spicer and Mr Archbold.

Mr Walker allegedly struck Mr Archbold on the back of his head in Beetwell Street and Mr Spicer was allegedly struck to his hand.

The court heard how Mr Archbold was joined by Scott Clarke and Gavin Woolley and Mr Clarke was allegedly struck in his back by Mr Walker.

Mrs Allsop added that subsequently Mr Woolley, who has been hospitalised, was allegedly struck to the head by Walker with the crutch.

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Mr Walker, who has not entered any pleas at this stage, stands charged with causing grievous bodily harm against Mr Woolley and with three counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm against Mr Archbold, Mr Spicer and Mr Clarke. The defendant is also charged with possessing an offensive weapon in a public place.

Magistrates committed the case to Derby Crown Court for a further hearing on November 2.

Mr Walker was remanded in custody.

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