Man admitted holding a knife to his pregnant wife's throat

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.
A man admitted holding a knife to his pregnant wife's throat as well as hitting her after police were called out to their home.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on Wednesday, January 25, how David Poole, 58, of Bullbridge Hill, Ambergate, near Belper, had been spoken to after his wife Rachel called police out following an altercation and he admitted he had assaulted his wife during a previous incident.

Prosecuting solicitor Sarah Haslam said: “She called the police to their address on January 8 after an altercation and the defendant said nothing had happened but he said he had previously had a knife to her throat and hit her on December 21, 2016.

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“He denied committing any offence on January 8 but accepted making a comment to the police that he had previously had a knife to her throat and had hit her.

“She was pregnant at the time and still is pregnant.”

Poole pleaded guilty to assault by beating.

Defence solicitor Gavin Hague said: “Police had cause to attend the address where they were together and he denied any assault on that day but accepted one on a previous occasion when he had hit her and held a knife to her.

“The police reported there were no injuries to either party after the incident on December 21 but the defendant made admissions on January 8.”

Mr Hague added that there had been no direct threats made during the incident on December 21 and the knife was put back into a drawer.

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The court heard that the relationship has now ended and the complainant has moved out and left the area.

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Mr Hague added that Poole, who suffers with depression and a heart condition, has been left deeply troubled by what happened and he has contacted Relate and a domestic violence support group for advice.

Magistrates adjourned the case until February 1 to consider a probation report before sentencing.