Man who attacked cancer-stricken stepson is given a suspended prison sentence

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.
A violent man who attacked his cancer-stricken stepson and the stepson's mother after a row over internet usage has been given a suspended prison sentence.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on Wednesday, April 20, how Colin Dunlop, 43, of Monnies End, Clowne, grabbed his stepson around the throat and pushed him against a patio door before he assaulted the young man’s mother the following day.

Prosecuting solicitor Sarah Haslam told a previous hearing that the mother has been in a relationship with the defendant and has a 21-year-old son and an 18-year-old daughter. She explained the daughter has been seeing someone and there have been arguments between them and the defendant’s temper had been escalating.

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Miss Haslam added that the son made a statement to police saying there had been an argument about internet usage between himself and the defendant and Dunlop told him to shut up or he would put him through a wall.

The defendant grabbed his stepson around the throat, according to Miss Haslam, and he was lifted up and pushed against the patio door as his mother tried to pull the defendant away.

Miss Haslam added that there was a further row the following day between the defendant and the young man’s mother and he got hold of her ankle, pulled her off a bed and allegedly kicked her.

The court also heard how the stepson has been battling cancer, according to Miss Haslam.

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Dunlop admitted to police that he picked his stepson up and accepted arguing with the young man’s mother and pulling her off the bed but denied kicking her and claimed he caught her with his foot as he tried to pick her up.

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The defendant pleaded guilty to two counts of assault after the incidents in Killamarsh on March 9 and 10.

Defence solicitor Benjamin Strelley told a previous hearing that the mother stated the defendant and her son were squaring up to each other and shouting unpleasant things and the defendant grabbed his stepson and the mother ran over and he was released.

He added that the following day the defendant was trying to speak to the mother to apologise for his actions but that built up frustration and a further incident occurred.

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Magistrates sentenced Dunlop on April 20 to a 12 week custodial sentence suspended for 18 months with a Building Better Relationships Programme and a Rehabilitation Activity Requirement.

Dunlop was also ordered to pay an £80 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

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