New sites to be added to Derbyshire Dales housing plan

More than 6,000 houses could be set to boost the revised local plan.More than 6,000 houses could be set to boost the revised local plan.
More than 6,000 houses could be set to boost the revised local plan.
Four new residential sites could be added to the revised Derbyshire Dales Local Plan '“ boosting the homes earmarked in the district to more than 6,000.

At the same time, two of the 31 sites provisionally allocated last month are set to be withdrawn as the preparation of the Local Plan takes another step forward.

Members of the district council’s Local Plan Advisory Committee will hear on Monday that a total of 41 potential sites were submitted too late to be considered at meetings last month, when 18 central area and 13 southern area sites were provisionally allocated to a Plan designed to guide local development in the Dales up to the year 2033.

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The late submissions to the council’s Call for Sites exercise have now been assessed, with four – in Brailsford, Middleton by Wirksworth, Wirksworth and Tansley – considered suitable for inclusion.

It is expected that land off Luke Lane and Mercaston Lane in Brailsford will generate 47 new homes, land north of Porter Lane and east of Main Street in Middleton by Wirksworth 24, land at Wirksworth’s Middle Peak Quarry 220 and land at Tansley House Gardens 15.

A subsequent decision by a government inspector to dismiss an appeal against refusal of planning permission at land off Darley Dale’s Park Lane means this site is now likely to be removed from the original list of 31.

Access concerns at a second of the original sites - Thorncliffe Avenue, Northwood, which is an unadopted highway – means this too could be removed at Monday’s meeting.

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The addition of the four new sites and the removal of the two in Darley Dale and Thorncliffe would see a total of 33 sites provisionally allocated – 19 in the central area and 14 in the southern area – increasing the overall housing target from 5,847 new homes to 6,015.

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The new list of residential sites, if approved on Monday, will go forward to a six-week public consultation starting in April.

There would now be six central area sites in Darley Dale, a total of five in Matlock, one in Northwood, two in Wirksworth, and one in Cromford, Tansley, Middleton by Wirksworth and Darley Bridge.