Over a quarter of Brits sacrifice their own holidays for stag and hen parties

Over a quarter of Brits are sacrificing their own holidays in order to attend stag and hen parties costing an average of £507 a time, new research shows.

Conducted by personalised clothing retailer Banana Moon clothing, the survey looked into British attitudes towards stag and hen parties as the traditional last night of freedom has evolved into a major event.

Over a quarter (28 per cent) of respondents confessed to having spent more money attending their friends’ parties than their own holidays and a third (33 per cent) of those invited on a stag or hen party have been expected to take annual leave.

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The cost of celebrations is a concern for partygoers, with four in five adults (80 per cent) saying stag and hen dos are becoming too expensive and nearly half of the respondents (46 per cent) saying that they have felt pressured into attending a party that they couldn’t afford.

The average amount of money spent on a stag or hen party is £507, which is split into the following areas:

£109 travel;

£90 accommodation;

£75 alcohol;

£50 clothes;

£63 activities;

£57 food;

£63 pre-wedding gifts.

Although the parties are becoming more expensive, over half (55 per cent) of the people surveyed said that they are still an important part of the wedding and surprisingly almost one in five (17 per cent) admitted that part of the reason they want to get married is to have a stag or hen do.

Almost a third of people (32 per cent) claimed that they had a better time attending their friend’s stag or hen party than the actual wedding and over a fifth (23 per cent) said that they had a better time at the party than they did going on holiday with a partner.

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