Pupils vote in their own EU referendum

Harpur Hill Primary SchoolHarpur Hill Primary School
Harpur Hill Primary School
Youngsters have been getting to grips with politics by taking part in a debate over the EU referendum.

Junior pupils at Harpur Hill Primary School were caught up in the great debate of whether they should stay or remain in the EU.

Various topics were researched during the week such as what is the EU Referendum? UK as a world power, laws, legislation, safety, security trade and the UK economy, were also discussed in great detail.

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The children filled in their official voting card at the school’s very own polling station.

Harpur Hill Primary SchoolHarpur Hill Primary School
Harpur Hill Primary School

It was an extremely close result. The overall result was to remain in the EU. The results were - 93 to remain, 90 to leave with four wishing to abstain/void.

There was more excitement at the school as Colin Boynton, who was Buxton’s deputy mayor last year, presented the school with a cheque for £379.

Colin told the school council that when he was the deputy mayor, although it was a voluntary position he had been allowed certain expenses.

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Colin did not use his full allowance - he was asked who he would like to donate his leftover expenses to and he asked to share it with Harpur Hill Primary School and a club he helps to run for the older members of the community. The club goes by the name of ‘The Friends of Harpur Hill’.

Colin said: “I was very impressed with the way the council was organised, and what they achieve.”

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