RSPCA stays tight-lipped over 'neglected' Derbyshire dog

The RSPCA is staying tight-lipped over what is happening to an apparently neglected dog in Derbyshire.

More than 1,600 people have now signed an online petition calling for the young border collie called Meg to be given a 'loving home'.

The petition claims she lives in mud, dirt and puddles outside a Hope Valley house – and urges the RSPCA to save her.

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Almost four weeks after revealing the story, we have received a vast amount of correspondence from readers wanting to know if Meg has been helped.


We contacted the RSPCA to ask for an update and pointed out the huge public interest.

A spokesman for the leading animal charity said: "I'm afraid that there is no update which I can give to you at this time as it is an ongoing situation."

We will continue to ask questions.

Previously, the spokesman said the RSPCA had been contacted about Meg and an animal welfare officer had been to check on her.

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“We have given some general advice to the owner but are satisfied that the dog is healthy and being cared for," the spokesman added.

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When the Derbyshire Times visited Meg’s owner last month, she said she felt threatened as a result of the petition.

We couldn’t ask her any more questions as she told us to leave – otherwise she’d call the police.

People have jumped to her defence on social media.


Commenting on the Derbyshire Times’ Facebook page, Marianne Mccarthy said: “I know the owner and can safely say that Meg is cared for dearly and loved very much.”

The petition states: “All Meg wants is a loving home.

“You can see the love in her eyes.

“She just wants a cuddle and warmth.”

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Commenting on the petition, Holly Dickinson said: “I’ve seen this dog multiple times in poor conditions.”

Joan Grey said: “Something needs to be done!”

Valerie Panter added: “The RSPCA are failing this dog and her owner obviously needs help looking after her.”

• Call the RSPCA’s 24-hour line on 0300 1234 999 to report cruelty or an animal in distress.