Shoplifter struck twice to feed a drug addiction

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.
A desperate man who stole cosmetics, razors and air fresheners with a co-accused to fund their drug habits has narrowly been spared from a custodial sentence.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on November 8 how Phillip Stinson, 43, of Garden Crescent, South Normanton, struck at Wilkinson’s, on Institute Lane, Alfreton, and at B&M Bargains, in Mansfield, with a woman who has already been punished with a community order.

Becky Allsop, prosecuting, said: “They stole cosmetics to a value unknown from Wilkinson’s. Both were seen on CCTV taking items from the make-up display and razors and they placed them in a bag. A stock check revealed £1,500 of make-up and razors was missing that day, however further investigations revealed the last stock check was carried out 24 hours prior to this incident.”

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Stinson admitted to police he intended to sell items on to fund a drug-addiction.

Mrs Allsop added the defendant was also seen with the co-accused at B&M Bargains where he stole air fresheners valued at £77.84.

Stinson told police he had also come to B&M’s with the co-accused to steal items to fund a drug addiction.

John Cavanagh, defending, said Stinson has referred himself to a drug support group and he has a methadone prescription.

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Stinson pleaded guilty to the two thefts at Wilkinson’s from September 3 and B&M Bargains from September 21. He also admitted failing to surrender to court in September. Stinson received 16 weeks of custody suspended for 18 months with drug rehabilitation and a Rehabilitation Activity Requirement. He must also pay £150 compensation.

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