Vodka-fuelled shop owner is caught attacking his wife on his own CCTV

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.
A booze-fuelled shop owner attacked his wife in the store and threw things at her after he had been tired and stressed over work pressures.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on Thursday, May 3, how Krishnakugan Karishnapinnai, 47, who owns a shop on Town Street, at Pinxton, was captured on his own CCTV security footage grabbing and hitting his wife before throwing something at her as she tried to come back into the store.

Prosecuting solicitor Sarah Haslam said: “Police attended and saw a female with injuries to her neck which was were bleeding.

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“The officers asked the female how she received the injuries and she said she had slipped on water and fallen over.

“Officers were not happy with the explanation and checked the CCTV.”

Karishnapinnai told police the CCTV was not working, according to Mrs Haslam, but when officers checked the system they found it had recorded an assault by the defendant.

Mrs Haslam said: “Footage showed the female in the shop being grabbed by the defendant and being hit around the face and she is pushed out of the store.

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“And several minutes later there is an altercation inside the store where an item of scissors are thrown towards the victim.”

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The court was shown CCTV which showed Karishnapinnai running at his wife and hitting her and pushing her out of the shop and as she comes back in a second time something is thrown at her which hits her.

Karishnapinnai, of Welbeck Street, Worksop, subsequently admitted he had hit his wife after they had fallen out with a neighbour and he claimed she had been nagging him and he had lost his temper.

He told police he had been drinking vodka and he admitted he had thrown something at her.

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Mrs Haslam said that it is believed a tin was first thrown at the defendant’s wife and lastly a pair of scissors were thrown at her but they did not make contact which he accepted.

Karishnapinnai, who is of previous good character, pleaded guilty to assault by beating after the incident on April 20.

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Defence solicitor Karl Meakin said: “He admitted the offence at his police interview and has expressed remorse that this happened.”

Mr Meakin added that Karishnapinnai owns and runs a shop with his family but since they opened a second shop he has been working long hours.

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At the time of the offence, according to Mr Meakin, Karishnapinnai had also been in the middle of a dispute with a neighbour and he believed his wife had taken the neighbour’s side and he snapped.

Mr Meakin said: “The whole incident and being arrested has been a wake-up call to him that he cannot operate the way he has and he needs to scale back the amount of work and needs to find more appropriate outlets to deal with stress.”

Magistrates fined Karishnapinnai £192 and ordered him to pay £85 costs and a £30 victim surcharge.

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