Woman must pay over £500 after she was caught illegally fishing in the Peak District

Pictured is Ashford-in-the-Water, in Derbyshire's Peak District.Pictured is Ashford-in-the-Water, in Derbyshire's Peak District.
Pictured is Ashford-in-the-Water, in Derbyshire's Peak District.
A woman who was spotted fishing illegally in Ashford-in-the-Water has been ordered to pay £569 in fines, charges and costs.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on January 9 how Jamie Price, 21, was seen by the river keeper at Ashford-in-the-Water with a fishing line in the village river which is subject to private fishing only.

Prosecuting solicitor Neil Hollett said the river keeper saw a Vauxhall Corsa car and took its registration number down and took photographs.

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The river keeper also turned on his body-camera which recorded a male and a female fishing illegally in the river, according to Mr Hollett.

Mr Hollett added that footage did not show the female catching any fish but it showed a fishing line in the water.

Price, of Whittington Caravan Park, Park Hall, Oswestry, was tracked down and a document was served upon her and police visited her home.

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Magistrates found the charge of unlawful fishing on June 20 in water where there was a private right of fishery proven against Jamie Price in her absence.

She was subsequently fined £440 and must pay a £44 victim surcharge and £85 costs.