Coronavirus has caused a spike in online dating - here's how to keep things interesting

As the coronavirus outbreak continues, activity on dating websites seems to have increased, as people are forced to socialise less in person. has revealed a spike in online dating, both nationally and internationally. With no certain end in sight for the spread of the coronavirus, singles are looking to more health conscious ways of connecting with others.

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Hide Ad found that other than the United States, Italy, China and Spain have seen the highest spikes in online dating as a result of the virus. While in the USA, online dating has increased a significant amount in California, New York, and Washington.

To find out more, conducted a survey of its members, relating to Covid-19. insights

A total of 82 per cent of singles have turned to online dating during the coronavirus outbreak.

Out of those surveyed, almost five per cent of singles reported that they are going to stop dating all together, until the virus passes. Thirty per cent of people shared that they are just going to stick with chatting to potential partners on dating sites or apps until they can meet up in person.

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A little more than 50 per cent of daters said they are interested in conducting online dates to get to know people they have met online. Almost 60 per cent of those surveyed said they prefer online dating to finding a date in person, even before the coronavirus outbreak.

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'Online dating could help us beat coronavirus'

“Dating in general can be difficult and now with the coronavirus rapidly spreading, dating has become even more of a challenge all around the world,” says Maria Sullivan, vice president of

“Online dating, such as text chatting and video calling, is a great way for singles to have that human connection, while not increasing the risk of catching the infectious virus.

"Both of these means of communication will also aid in social-distancing to help lower the risk of the coronavirus spreading and hopefully lead to the end of it all together.”

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Another dating site, OKCupid shared results of a recent survey, which found that 88 per cent of users around the world are dating as usual. In America, the figure was as high as 92 per cent.

Tinder's response to Covid-19

Tinder has cancelled the international release of 'Swipe Night' - a 'choose your own adventure' series that was scheduled to launch internationally this month.

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There is also currently a pop-up message on the app that instructs users to wash their hands regularly, and not to touch their faces. The company has reminded users to maintain social distancing.

With public health officials across the globe recommending social distancing to help slow the spread of coronavirus, many are choosing to stay at home rather than socialise crowded public spaces.

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First date tips

After making a connection, the team at has shared the below first date ideas that can be conducted from the comfort of individual’s homes over video chat.

Watch a film - Pick a film that you have both never seen, make some snacks (for yourself of course) and watch the film together over video chat simultaneously. You can laugh together or be scared together depending on the genre. Afterwards you and your date and discuss what you thought of the film.

Play a game - There are so many fun games to play over video chat that will keep you and your date entertained for hours. You can play games that allow you to get to know each other such as Two Truths and a Lie or Never Have I Ever. Or you can play fun games that pass the time, like charades and 20 questions.

Make dinner together - Pick a recipe that you and your date have never had before and make it together over video chat. When the meal is complete, compare to see whose dish looks more delicious.