Denmark removed from UK travel corridors after Covid mutation emerged from mink farms

Denmark has been removed from the UK’s coronavirus travel corridor list, following concerns over a mutated coronavirus strain.

The move came into effect at 4am this morning (6 November), and means anyone who has arrived in the UK from Denmark will now need to self-isolate for 14 days.

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Why has Denmark been removed?

The decision to remove the country from the travel corridors was taken swiftly, following the news that a mutated form of coronavirus has emerged from Denmark’s mink farms, which can be spread to humans.

Experts in the country say the mutated virus could have a damaging impact on the effectiveness of a vaccine.

The Prime Minister of Denmark has said that the country will cull its entire captive mink population, which could mean as many as 17 million.

Denmark is a world-leader in the production and export of mink fur, with millions worth going to the Chinese market every year.

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Transport secretary Grant Shapps said the move to remove Denmark was recommended by the government’s chief medical advisor, Professor Chris Whitty.

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He said: “I understand this will be concerning for both people currently in Denmark and the wider UK public, which is why we have moved quickly to protect our country and prevent the spread of the virus to the UK.”

Germany and Sweden have also been removed from the travel corridors list - just 12 hours before Denmark - with people returning to the UK from these destinations required to self-isolate for 14 days from 4am on Saturday (7 November).

The removal of these countries from the travel lists applies to all of the UK.

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The full list of travel corridors is available on the government website.

Are holidays still allowed?

Holidays are currently banned for people living in England for the duration of the new lockdown.

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The government has advised people not to travel unless it is for essential reasons, including overnights stays and holidays away from primary residences.

British nationals who are currently abroad do not need to return home immediately, but should take care to follow local safety advice and Foreign Office guidance.