Piers Morgan claims royals sent him messages of ‘gratitude’ after Oprah interview

Piers Morgan has widely criticised Meghan Markle and Prince Harry following their interview with Oprah (Photos: Shutterstock)Piers Morgan has widely criticised Meghan Markle and Prince Harry following their interview with Oprah (Photos: Shutterstock)
Piers Morgan has widely criticised Meghan Markle and Prince Harry following their interview with Oprah (Photos: Shutterstock)

Piers Morgan has claimed that he received messages on behalf of the royal family that thanked him for “standing up” to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

Morgan told conservative US TV show host Tucker Carlson on Fox News that he did not believe what Meghan said in her bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey.

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He said that “17 different claims by the pair of them have now been proven to be either completely untrue or massively exaggerated or unprovable.”

The TV personality has emerged as one of the couple's biggest critics and left his job at Good Morning Britain last month after a row over the Duke and Duchess.

Morgan has since said ITV bosses told him to apologise or quit.

What Morgan has said now

The former Good Morning Britain host has now appeared on US TV show Extra to discuss the continued fallout from his criticism of Meghan and told host Billy Bush he has the backing of some members of the royal family.

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"I've had some messages communicated to me on behalf of several members of the royal family," the 56-year-old said.

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Asked by Bush if the backing came from "upper level people," Morgan replied: "I'm not going to go into who it was. But what I would say is, gratitude that somebody was standing up."

Former tabloid editor Morgan said he did not believe Meghan after she told Winfrey she was ignored after raising her mental health problems with figures at the palace.

The duchess also said there had been racist comments about son Archie's skin tone before he was born.

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Morgan reveals only regret from controversy

Speaking on Extra, Morgan said his only regret from the controversy was briefly walking off the set of Good Morning Britain following a clash with weatherman Alex Beresford.

Morgan stressed he returned to the programme that morning. And he dismissed claims his stance on Meghan and Harry is racist.

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"I'm not a racist," he said. "Nothing I've ever said about Meghan Markle is either racist or racially motivated. I've been very critical of Prince Harry and last time I checked he was white and so I find this narrative deeply offensive."

What Morgan would ask Meghan

Bush, who is the cousin of former US president George W Bush, asked what Morgan would say to Meghan if given the chance.

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He said he would ask for an interview similar to the one she and Harry gave to Winfrey.

Morgan said: "I would say to Meghan Markle, 'Look, sit down with me, with your husband for an equally long interview and let me ask you more difficult questions about all your claims.

"But let me ask you a wider question, which is this; if you hate the royal family that much, why do you keep your royal titles? Why do you keep calling yourselves the duke and duchess of Sussex? Why would you do that if it's just not to make millions and millions of dollars? And playing the victim as you do is frankly nauseating."

In a separate interview on US TV on Monday, Morgan told prominent conservative news personality Tucker Carlson that Meghan was a "delusional duchess who is on the make".