This is how to cope with your asthma symptoms as the temperature drops

Make sure you're taking extra care as the temperature drops (Photo: Shutterstock)Make sure you're taking extra care as the temperature drops (Photo: Shutterstock)
Make sure you're taking extra care as the temperature drops (Photo: Shutterstock)

With temperatures dropping, the sun setting earlier and shops selling Halloween and Christmas items, it seems that summer is truly on its way out.

One effect of the change in seasons that some may not be prepared for is how it impacts asthma sufferers.

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Bad news for asthma sufferers

While some may see this change in temperature as a sad goodbye to summer, for asthma sufferers it spells something that could potentially be a lot more serious. Cold weather can potentially trigger asthma symptoms, or even asthma attacks.

Mahmuda Khatun, medical expert at Instant eCare, says, “With the cold weather, damp air can enter the airways and trigger them to go into spasm, resulting in asthma symptoms like coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and tightness in the chest.”

Khatun offers these tips to make the change in temperature more bearable.

Wrap up warm

It’s recommended that those worried about asthma symptoms should wear a scarf around their nose and mouth before heading out into the cold.

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This will create a barrier between cold, damp air entering your airways.

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Change the way you breathe

Khatun says that you should try to breathe through your nose instead of your mouth. What this does is actually warm the cold air as your inhale.

Keep an eye on the weather

If a thunderstorm is predicted in the forecast, it’s probably best to stay indoors anyway, but even more so for those with asthma.

The heightened winds blow mould spores into the air, which is dangerous for those with asthma. If you have to go out, change your closed and have a shower upon your return in order to wash off any spores you may have come into contact with.

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Don’t share a bedroom with a pet

If your cat or dog, or any other pet, usually sleeps in your bedroom with you, it may be time to move their bed to a different room.

Making sure the place you sleep is free from asthma triggers can make a huge difference in your symptoms.

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Always carry an inhaler

The best way to make sure you’re protected in cold weather is to make sure you have an inhaler with your for quick relief from symptoms.

Keep an eye on your inhaler usage

If you find you’re using your inhaler more than usual, you should make an appointment with your doctor as you may need to review your treatment and make sure everything is okay.

This article originally appeared on our sister site Edinburgh Evening News

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