Fitness: Fitness programme can create a lasting transformation

A good mind and fitness programme can make an everlasting positive change.A good mind and fitness programme can make an everlasting positive change.
A good mind and fitness programme can make an everlasting positive change.
Whether you’ve been perfecting your sourdough recipe or your squat technique… or if you’re anything like me, lunging between the baking and exercise as I endeavour to keep active, eat well, sleep well, entertain my kids and keep a business running.. it can feel full on.

So many people are emerging out of Lockdown with a vow to transform their bodies overnight, which can be a great motivation to kick start your goals or more worryingly, some people are keen to book in cosmetic surgery as first port of call.

Whether it’s bingo wings, ‘moobs’ or a seemingly growing gut, if you've had time to reflect on your inner self or you've had way too much time looking in the mirror and are determined to change or ‘fix’ the said problem.

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I would encourage you to try a fitness and nutrition programme first if you want a real lasting mindset and body transformation which costs less in time and money.

I, myself was encouraged several years ago to have surgery to finally ‘beat the bingo wings,’ as the only way to rid myself of that “blubber” I had become laser-focused on, nearly obsessive about in the pursuit of happiness, I thought was to rid myself of this fat.

Thankfully, life happened, I got a freelancing job as a journalist for national news and fell pregnant.

Fastforward a decade, and I am now the owner of two ‘toned’ looking arms. There is actually no thing as ‘toned’ but I’ve lost fat and built muscle naturally in my arms and it has taken a lot less than 10 years and with minimal time in the gym.

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Gone are the days where I believed that hammering cardio for hours would achieve results and my only option was surgery which was expensive, dangerous and whilst it may have made me feel it was a ‘quick fix’ it would take a long period of recovery.

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For me the transformation came from better nutrition and varying workouts so they’re involving conditioning and of course some cardio. As a busy single parent, running businesses and coaching others, I love the fact that my programme is short and effective with just 30-minute workouts, mainly from home or in the park.

As trends change, I hear more people having butt lifts and implants, gastric bands and liposuction, in an attempt to transform their already perfectly formed body which probably just needs some TLC.

I’m not anti-surgery at all, but I always suggest trying a non-surgical solution first. Through exercise, rest and eating well, that initial ‘buzz’ of a transformation is something which can continue to helping you to feel-good and better still it’s by working with your body rather than attacking it.

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The problem I find with cosmetic surgery is that it latches onto our insecurities without actually dealing with the root cause first as well as being addictive, dangerous and it might give us a short-term win but a long-term low if not done in tandem with a healthy lifestyle.

Through an effective mind and body programme you can also achieve the 'look' you want that's right for your individual body. Or the confidence you feel will outweigh the need to 'change.

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